Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bumpers and SIDS Concerns

One of the most important baby care items you have to keep an eye out for is SIDS. SIDS stands for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and is causing by accidental loss of oxygen and suffocation while the baby sleeps at night. Many of the SIDS cases happen for babies between the ages of 2-6 months and babies that are on their stomach. However, there are cases of SIDS when the Baby is not sleeping on their stomach. Proper Baby Care recommendations by doctors and hospitals are to put babies to sleep in their cribs with nothing else, so no blankets, baby bumpers, and more!
With many parents we’ve talked to, we’ve seen tons of cases of babies hitting their heads on the crib rails and also getting their feet stuck in the crib railings. While there is definitely some risk to babies getting injured by getting stuck in the crib rails or banging their heads. Most parents think it’s not worth the risk of having bumpers, heavy blankets, and would rather limit the risk of SIDS.
Baby Bumpers can be thick pads that protect the baby from banging their heads or getting stuck in the railings. We would recommend the Breathable Baby Bumpers first to test to see if they work for your needs as they are made of a mesh Baby Bumpers and more breathable than the thick pad Baby Bumpers. Still there is an increased risk with bumpers, however, getting breathable bumpers is a good option if your baby is turning all the way around, banging their head or getting stuck in the crib rails. These breathable bumpers are very cheap and may make a good option to try out before putting heavily padded bumpers into the crib with your baby at night.
It’s also a good option to invest in a Summer baby monitor with video so you can check on your baby once in a while in their crib to make sure they are not stuck in the corner of the crib in a position that they may not be able to get themselves out of.

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