Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to soothe a teething baby

It can be heartwrenching to listen to our teething baby’s little sobs of discomfort. We can’t completely make the pain go away, but there are some ways to help alleviate the pain of teething. These tips have been collected from parents, who know exactly what you’re going through. They share what worked for them, and we hope it will work for you.
Put the teether in the refrigerator
There are a lot of teethers you can pick from. In fact many baby toys have textured parts that are meant to massage your baby’s gums and thus alleviate the pain of teething. However most parents say that the best teethers are those that you can place in the ref. These are often filled with a soft gel. Your child will feel instantly better as the cold temperature temporarily numbs his gums.
It’s best to get two of these teethers so you can sterilize and refrigerate one while your baby uses the other.
Freeze a banana
If your baby loves fruit then try freezing a banana. First take off the peel, and then halve it. Remove the strings and insert in a freezer bag. Your baby will get the same numbing effect from a teether, and a delicious snack too.
Freeze a face cloth
Some babies don’t like teethers, and prefer chewing a blanket or cloth instead. If this is the case, you can freeze a face cloth instead. Insert in a freezer bag.
Get teething gels
Some parents will rub ice on their baby’s gums, but not all kids will be patient enough to sit through this. If your child doesn’t like teethers and is too fussy to eat even a frozen banana, then you can get a topical gel that can be applied on the gums. There are even some baby toothpastes that have this cooling and numbing effect. This is great for those who already have one or two teeth. You brush the teeth (preventing dental caries) and soothe and comfort your baby at the same time.
Give a popsicle
Older babies or toddlers may experience a great deal of pain when the molars come out. The good news is by that time they may be old enough to suck on a popsicle. Just freeze some juice in a popsicle mold and then give to your child. Just be sure to brush your child’s teeth afterwards because even fruit juices contain sugars that can rot his existing teeth.
Aside from these tips, you can soothe your baby by singing, cuddling, and even baby massage. While these may not directly alleviate the pain of teething these can help distract your baby and relax him.

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