Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Homemade Baby Diaper Rash Ointments

These Homemade baby diaper rash ointments recipes and tips are great for those of us who like to keep it natural. You do not have to use zinc oxide on your baby's bum to prevent diaper rash. There are other more natural substances that will do the trick. Petroleum jelly is not a bad alternative, but it also tends to clog the pores. I want to give you a few natural and homemade alternatives as well.

The key to diaper rash, I think, really is prevention. Keep that baby's bottom dry! Cloth diapering is one great way to keep baby's bottom soft and dry, not to mention frequent diaper changes. I like to make sure and always get in some diaper free time too. Air things out, you know. :)
I'm including here a couple recipes for diaper rash ointments that are a great preventive measure and a couple ways to soothe your baby's bottom should he happen to get a little red or develop a rash.
Recipes for Diaper Rash Ointments

  • 1/2 cup sweet almond oil (you can also use olive oil
  • 2-3 drops lavender oil
  • 2-3 drops tea tree oil
  • 4 Tablespoons water
Mix all the ingredients together well. Transfer to a jar or bottle to use for applying to baby to ease a red bottom or diaper rash. Be very careful not to double dip!

Calendula Ointment Recipes
Calendula has wonderful healing properties. calendula ointment is great for healing dry skin and is also amazing for healing wounds, therefore great for making diaper rash ointments! Ointments, oils and creams made with calendula are great for not only your baby's skin but also great for your skin too! I have heard that calendula cream or oil can be great for reducing stretch marks as well so these recipes will be great for those baby bellies too!
 Easy Calendula Oil Recipe
This easy to make calendula ointment is great for making homemade baby wipes solution
too. Add a few drops of oil to your baby wipes solution for a nice soothing and healing baby wipe. It is also good for smoothing onto a red baby's bottom or for other uses such as a little dry patch of skin or cradle cap.
To make this oil you will need, of course, some dried caledula. You can usually get this at a local health food store or you could even buy some online. Herbtrader sells dried calendula in little one pound bags.
Put about one cup of the dried calendula into a jar and pour in some olive oil. Just let the two sit in the jar together and meld for a week or two and viola! Make sure and keep the jar closed tightly. Each day go in and flip it over a few times to stir things up. When a week or two has passed by strain the leaves out with some cheese cloth and transfer the calendula oil to smaller jars. I like to use my empty baby food jars for just this sort of thing. Make sure they are clean! And do not double dip! You will be introducing bacterias to your oil if you do.

Calendula Ointment Recipe
This recipe is a little more involved than the recipe above. It may take a little more effort to make but it will make a fantastic diaper rash ointments. The ingredients are 1/2 cup dried calendula, 8 oz. vegetable shortening, 1 tablespoon beeswax.
Melt the shortening and beeswax in a small pan and then add the calendula petals to the hot mixture. Let them steep in the mixture while it cools down. Transfer the ointment into a small jar.

Other Natural Diaper Rash Remedies and Prevention
One great healing property that I really like to keep around the house is an aloe plant. I keep one in my kitchen and also near the baby's changing table! bottom looks a little red? Just break off a bit of a leaf, open it up and apply the aloe. A super natural way to heal a baby's diaper rash.
I also hear a great way to sooth diaper rash is with a nice oatmeal bath. I've never actually had to try this one out, as I've not had much trouble with diaper rash (a little redness was about the most I ever saw) but I've heard it is very soothing and works wonders.
You can simply add some regular oatmeal to your baby bath (you might want to send it through the food processor first to chop it up to a finer consistency). A great way to add the oatmeal to the bath without a mess is to pour it into a cloth baggy and add it to the bath water. Just let it steep just like a tea bag.

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